Carols by Candlelight Update 7/12/23

Dear 1CC, 2CC and MVG Families,

As the weather looks a little crazy this weekend, we have put the following changes in place:

  1. We will arrive closer to the call time on both days:

Friday drop off at 3:30pm

Saturday drop off  at 7:30pm for 8pm onstage

  • As the day will be hot and possibly wet, please wear your YAV t-shirt, but you can wear shorts or a skirt to keep cool, plus sandals if you wish.  For safety onstage you can’t wear “loose” shoes like thongs or slides. Please wear a hat and sunscreen.

Please also bring:

  • Raincoat
  • Picnic rug for shared dinner
  • Shared dinner in cold packs           
  • Sopranos/Basses bring sweets to share Altos/Tenors bring savoury to share

Dress rehearsal on Friday evening

Although at this stage the concert will still go ahead, they are filming the dress rehearsal just in case.  A reminder that the MVG, 2CC & 1CC guys/non-binary uniform option has to have a WHITE SHIRT like last year.  All 1CC and 2CC and guest Auroras have the 1CC coloured tops.

Please come without jewellery and have your hair up and out of your face, as per your usual choir performance wear (all details are in your previous blog or 2CC email)

YAV will provide:

  • Extra black folders for those who need them
  • Bug spray for the evening (if you use a special one, please BYO)

Your “Christie” on Friday is Kat Ogierman 0452 268 466 and on Saturday is Glenni Lynelle 0409 980 990.  We thank TEAM ALEX – Alex Lourie (Ethan’s dad) and Alex Dalman (Laurence’s mum) for being our Parent Guardians from dinner onwards on Friday night.

See you all for the start of Carols tomorrow! 

Thanks, Christie & team

This week!

Dear Parents and Choristers

Congratulations to all on such a magnificent concert on Sunday! The choristers were all amazing and we are incredibly proud of each and every one of them!

This week we will be celebrating our end of year with pizza and games! And what a year it has been!

Please make sure you complete the survey if your child is attending. If you do not complete the survey, we will assume your child Is not attending in the final week, and will therefore not order pizza for them. If your child has particular requirements, please indicate this on the form. You are welcome to provide food for your child if they don’t like/want pizza!

Survey here:

Please send your child with $5 to cover the cost of pizza and a drink.

If you could let the choir office know if your child is not going to be attending, that would be fantastic – but we will miss them!

Thank you for your support throughout 2023 – it has been very much appreciated.

We look forward to celebrating with the choristers this week!